Chapter 1
I fumbled with the lock on the front door, trying to shift the bags of groceries I had in my arms to one side in order to turn the knob. I was kind of worn out and it was just past noon.
My lovely sister-in-law, Lindsey, had left me with a full shopping/errand list this morning, rousing my ass out of bed at seven-thirty. On a Saturday no less.
I'd been up fairly late, getting a lecture from big brother Trace, right before he left on some covert FBI mission. His lecture was all about earning my keep around here, acting responsibly, setting a better example for the babies. He felt that I could be a bigger help to Lindsey, when she had clients to visit with the little decorating business she and her mother Samantha had going, yadda, yadda, yadda.
"Paige," Trace had said, his voice carrying that serious, authoritative and slightly-tyrannical tone that he almost never used with Lindsey. "Lindsey and I talked about you doing a little more pitching in around here. It's not like you pay rent or anything, so how's about taking on some responsibilities and maybe curtailing some of the partying?"
"I don't mind helping out," I shrugged, "but what's the deal with my partying?" I questioned, eying my older brother warily.
"Hey, what you do and who you do it with is your business—don't get me wrong. I know you're only twenty-two and just now getting out from under Mom and Dad's roof, but we've got kids here—babies, and well…"
He was obviously uncomfortable with the subject matter, so I took the opportunity to interrupt. "Look, Trace, if it's a problem that I brought a couple of guys here for the night, I just won't do it anymore. But Christ, it's not like Harper and Jackson are old enough to know what's going on. I mean, seriously?"
"It's not just the fact that you brought a couple of random dudes home over the past few weeks, it's that you've shown a total disregard for the rest of us, you know?"
"No, I'm not following you, big brother," I semi-snapped. "It's not as if I fucked them on the spotless floor of your family room, while you and Lindsey were watching 'Criminal Minds.'"
His green eyes blazed an ultra shade of pissed.
"You're loud and disruptive when you…entertain, Paige. It makes Lindsey uncomfortable, and uh…me too. Lindsey and I would prefer that you not do that anymore. It'd be better if you stay over at your boyfriend's places in the future."
"Boyfriends?" I snorted with a laugh. "They weren't boyfriends, they were hook-ups. And are you seriously gonna sit there and act like you never had casual sex? That every chick you've ever laid was a girlfriend? Because if you say yes, then I'm calling you out on it."
I started to get up to leave the room, but Trace wasn't finished with the lecture just yet.
"Hold up, Paige. Look, I'm not one to lecture you on the moral fine points of 'hooking up' or having fuck buddies. And for the record, my sexual history is none of your goddamn business, and it's not part of this conversation, because I'm not gonna preach like that. What I am gonna tell you is that this is our home and you will respect the ground rules, or you'll have to move out. Got it?"
Fuck, he's pissed.
I shrugged, clasping my hands together. "Sure. I apologize, Trace. It won't happen again."
Right then and there I knew that my living arrangement wasn't going to work. Somewhere along the way, Trace had been domesticated.
Who would have thought...
It wasn't like I’d seen him a lot over the past say, twelve or thirteen years, but Holy Mother of Christ, I could see that my good ol’ big brother was indeed pussy-whipped. Certainly not the same guy that left Napa all of those years ago with a bevy of blondes mourning his departure.
My other older brother, Easton, was even more of a stranger to me than Trace. Probably because he hadn't been born to my mother. I had only brief, scattered memories of him growing up. He would stay with us during the summers back then. I had been in pigtails and braces at the time, but I had seen more of him over the past few weeks since I'd been here, than over the twenty-two years that I'd been on this planet.
His wife, Darcy, seemed like a pretty cool chick. She and Lindsey were tight, both being the same age and having been friends before they became sisters-in-law, but for whatever reason, I could relate to Darcy more than I could to Lindsey.
They were just a little over a year older than me, but with being married, having kids and all that, I guess it put them in a different maturity category; though, if I were a betting person, I'd say that Darcy had done her share of dudes before settling down. Definitely more so than Lindsey had for sure.
I filed that away for future reference. If Trace and Lindsey were going to be so fucking uptight, maybe Easton and Darcy would open their huge house to little sister. I doubted that my craving for…male attention would be as off-putting over there as it apparently was over here.
Was Lindsey uptight or what?
I was overjoyed that she'd taken the rug rats with her today. I don't think I could've accomplished everything she had put on my 'to-do' list while having to drag those two along with me. Harper was at least somewhat manageable at two-and-a-half, but Jackson was completely another fucking story! I mean, I don't do diapers.
At all.
I knew that someday I would, because having a little rug rat of my own was in the plan—eventually. But that was a long ways off.
I'd been at Trace and Lindsey's for about six weeks now. I had started going through my P.T. at Quantico a few weeks ago. (P.T. means Physical Training for those of you not familiar with military lingo.) And let me add that physical training is a bitch under any circumstances, but for someone who hadn't bothered to condition before starting the program (like me) it was damn near suicide.
I gathered up the groceries, taking them into the kitchen and setting them on the countertop.
Lindsey had added yet another one of her pink post-it notes to the fridge.
She must've stopped home while I was out.
Paige - Forgot to tell you that I have a plumber stopping by this afternoon between one and two. He's to fix the shower in the master bath and leave the bill with you. - L
Okay, whatevs.
At least I didn't have to go back out. Trying to navigate around the metropolitan D.C. area was a bitch. Hell, I couldn't count the number of times that I had ended up in Maryland instead of freakin' Virginia!
I had just finished putting the groceries away when there was a knock on the door. I opened it to a dark-haired, brown-eyed dude that had a fucking tool belt on.
Damned if he wasn't built, too.
"Hey," he said, and I noticed right off that his voice was deep and sexy. "I'm scheduled to check out a leaking shower faucet in the master bath. Are you Mrs. Matthews?"
"Hi," I said, flashing him a smile as I opened the door wider to let him in. "Actually, I'm the sister-in-law from hell," I joked. "But Lindsey did leave a note saying you'd be here. Come on in."
Now it was his turn to flash a smile at me, showing perfectly even white teeth. The name embroidered on his blue work shirt read "Jason."
"Well, Jason," I said, with just a hint of flirtation, "Let me show you the way."
Fuck, his hair was thick and curly. His arms and shoulders were muscular; belly flat. I was guessing he was late twenties, possibly thirty.
Did I mention he was wearing a tool belt?
Yep—definitely loved the tool belt, especially the way that it was slung low on his narrow hips. It even made a sexy little jingling sound when he walked.
He followed me upstairs and then down the hallway towards the master suite. I gestured my arm towards the bathroom door that was just off of their bedroom.
I couldn't help but notice his sexy swagger as he walked past me into the bathroom, bending over just a bit to place his toolbox on the tiled floor. This guy exuded sexual energy from every fucking pore. Trust me, that's something I pick up on within seconds of meeting someone.
"I'll just leave you to it," I called out, going back downstairs. "I'll be in the kitchen if you have any questions."
"Yep," he called back, already starting to assess the plumbing situation in the bathroom.
He returned downstairs no more than ten minutes later, wiping his hands on a rag. "Just needed a washer replaced and I had one in my toolbox. I went ahead and checked the fitting and it was fine, so I went ahead and re-greased it. Tested the shower head out and it's working fine. No more dripping."
"That was fast," I said throwing a bit of a double entendre into the remark. "I guess that's a good thing sometimes, huh?"
He gave me a good-natured laugh, his eyes glancing down to my legs in a subtle, but obviously not too-subtle way. I bit back a girlish grin as I watched him swiftly pull out the bill slip from his back pocket and jot some numbers down on it. Ripping the top copy from the pad, I caught the sexy-ass grin he tossed my way as he handed it to me.
Oh yeah. Game friggin’ on.
And before you go and get all judgy on me? I’m a woman who has an affinity for hotties with a Y-chromosome.
Sue me.
And I could tell that this guy wasn’t interested in anything serious.
The good news? Neither was I.
“You’re good to go,” he said with his grin still in place, wiping his brow with the back of his hand.
“Replacing that washer must've given you quite a workout, huh?” I asked him, feigning innocence.
He looked back over at me, the smile stretching even further across his face. “Why do you ask?”
“Well, you just look like you could use some ice-cold water,” I shrugged. “That’s all.”
“I’ll take some water,” he replied quietly, leaning up against the counter.
I broke the minor eye-fucking thing we had going there for a second, and made my way over to the cupboard and grabbed a glass. After it was filled, I hopped up on the same counter top that he was still leaning against and handed it over.
Jason’s eyes made their way down my tanned legs again as he raised the icy glass up to his full lips, drinking the offered beverage.
I rubbed my palms over my thighs for bonus points, masquerading it as a nervous gesture.
He replied with a loud swallow, breaking the glass-and-lips contact to give me an almost sheepish look.
“No worries, I’m a loud swallower too.”
That’s when he nearly dropped the glass. And before our flirtatious dialogue turned into something from a porn video, I decided it was time for a little action.
Hopping off of the counter, I made the entire two foot distance between us and took the glass of water out of his hand. Keeping eye contact with him the entire time, I took a long swallow from it.
I think this is what I loved about everything sexual: the control of it.
The power.
I thought of myself as someone who was comfy with my overall sexuality, and I also loved to tease a little bit. But with the way good ol’ Jason was looking at me now, he was ready to move past the teasing stage.
He stood up to his full height, his chest brushing the backs of my fingers as they maintained their hold on the glass. My eyes widened a bit as I watched him lean in, thinking that he was going for the kiss. I promptly closed them, and waited.
But his lips never did touch mine.
My eyes were still shut when I felt a hard suck on the side of my neck. Gasping and reacting, I took a step back and found my back up against Lindsey’s granite counter. Jason’s arms were now on either side of me, trapping me and turning me the hell on.
His mouth was now apologizing, as his tongue soothed the now-tender spot that was just below my ear. He then made his way to the underside of my jaw, nipping and licking.
I arched my neck to give him easier access, but apparently he was done with my neck, for now, because his hand reached back and very softly gripped my hair and tilted my head back down to eye-level.
Licking my bottom lip when he leaned back in, I fully expected an actual kiss this time. And still, he didn’t deliver. Instead, he kissed the corner of my lips.
I seriously loved the way his stubble felt on my skin, I’d decided. That was when I tried to take the moment into my own hands and went in for the kill.
I was almost to his mouth when his hand fisted even tighter in my hair, preventing me from closing the mere centimeters I had left. He pulled back, letting go of my hair, and looked at me with raised eyebrows and a confident smirk.
“Is this what you had in mind?” he asked.
I matched his smirk with one of my own and upped the wattage. “Well actually, what I had in mind was some lip-to-lip action. Know what I mean? So, if you don’t mind…”
“Well, had I known that,” he confessed mischievously, “I would have brought my tip jar.”
That’s when we both cracked up, letting the humor of it all wash over us. Finally, when we both managed to collect our wits again, I sighed. Clearly, the moment of sexual tension had come to a close and it was my cue to send this guy on his merry little way.
I turned away from him and fished out a pen from one of the drawers and signed my name at the bottom of the forgotten bill. Handing the slip back to him, Jason met my gaze with a heated one of his own.
“So, I’m officially off the clock, eh?” he asked.
I felt my eyebrows nearly reach my hairline. “Umm…yeah?”
“That’s good.”
Yeah, I wasn’t following. Until I watched his eyes travel to the button of my denim cut-offs and back up to my face, regarding me with a look that was asking me a question.
“Lip-to-lip action, you said?” The mischief was back. “May I?”
Sweet baby Jesus. He doesn’t mean…what I think he means?
He took a very unrushed step towards me. And there was pretty much nothing I was going to do in that moment to dissuade him. His fingers brushed up my thighs when he was back in kissing distance, making their way to the top of my shorts and skimming over the skin that was just right above it.
With one hand, he unfastened the button and tilted his head over to my ear and gave the lobe a quick nip. I felt my chest rise and rapidly fall as he pushed the denim down my legs.
I watched him kneel to the floor only to look back up at me, “You didn’t answer me,” he said.
“Yes.” I quickly replied.
He smiled briefly, and brought his face to my panty-covered pussy. I felt something wet and warm pushing against it from the other side of the material, and my head fell back as my arms braced my body on either side of the counter.
Using his hands to spread my legs a little wider, he began to suck hard on the damp fabric. I moaned when I felt his tongue push as far as it could go, only to retreat back into his mouth in exchange for a set of fingers. The fingernails of his other hand grazed my lower tummy as his talented fingers continued to lightly strum my slit.
“Tease,” I called him, not even knowing whether or not he heard me, being that it was quickly followed by another frustrated moan.
But he must have heard me, because those fingers rubbed a little harder, and I felt the tip of his tongue on my clit through my panties right before he asked, “Do you want me to stop?”
I looked down at him, and he chuckled softly as he took that specific moment to pull my underwear all the way down. Leaving them to pool at my feet, he didn’t waste any time at all before his tongue sank all the way into my wetness.
“Shit,” I whispered to no one in particular.
He pulled back only to take an entire lip into his mouth, nursing on it softly. Jason did the same thing with the other one before French-kissing my pussy for a second time.
My knuckles were completely bleached, as my hands clung to the counter, because I was pretty sure they were the only things holding me up at this point. The only sounds in the room were my deep intakes of air and the wet noises of his mouth eating me.
My hips were now beginning to grind up against his jaw. I felt his hands cover mine on the edge of the counter, making sure I didn’t lose my grip.
He tongued my clit, and I was so fucking close.
“You have one minute to come,” he told me, licking up my entire slit.
I managed an airless laugh and whimpered as two thick fingers entered me, “Or…?”
“Or I make you come,” he replied quietly.
I loved being under pressure to come. There's just something about having constraints like that put into place that makes that pre-O sensation draw out even longer, which in effect, makes the orgasm blow that much harder when it is released.
This was one of those times.
I closed my eyes, my head tilted up towards the ceiling, and I let myself totally submerge into this pool of pleasure that Jason had created for me with his very talented tongue and his probing, thick fingers, which were giving my sweet spot the 'ol come-hither motion at that very moment.
I felt my core turn to liquid as I melted into the magical thrumming of his tongue and fingers in unison, on both my clit and my sweet spot, ready to give him exactly what he'd ordered just moments before. I moaned loudly, my hips starting to thrust upward to lessen his journey.
"What the hell?" I heard someone shriek…from somewhere.
Immediately, Jason's warmth left me. My eyes simultaneously flew open, the hazy fog of being 'almost there' quickly dissipated as I saw Lindsey's horrified face standing about six or seven feet away, aghast at what she had just viewed.
She had clamped her only free hand over Harper's eyes, her other arm cradled a still-sleeping Jackson against her chest.
"Get out," she hissed, and to be honest, I wasn't sure if she meant Jason, or me, or quite possibly the both of us.
Jason hurriedly stood up, grabbed his tool box and got the hell out as quickly as any man could, his erection still very evident underneath his navy blue work pants.
I slid from the countertop, bending over to pick up my panties and I shrugged them back on. Lindsey was still glaring at me, evidently too fucking pissed to have the good manners to give me some privacy. Harper was squirming around, trying to move Lindsey's hand away from where it still covered her eyes, but she couldn't budge it.
"Timing," I said, pulling my cutoffs up and fastening the button, "is fucking everything," I finished, brushing past her and going to my room.
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