It’s not where you’re from – it’s where your heart leads you.
1 Dana
Twenty sets of eyes stare at my every movement as they roll to a seated position. “Sit up in a cross-legged position, back straight and tall.” I demonstrate the yoga move from the front of the classroom as the students mirror my movement. My eyes scan the room, and I take a cleansing breath. The heat in my scalp from earlier has cooled as we reach the end of the class. “Close your eyes as we take three breaths together. Let’s exhale together to start.”
Pride fills my chest as I think about how my yoga studio, Yogi’s Choice, has grown so much over the last few months. It has been a journey, a challenging yet rewarding one that has me beaming. I should remain focused in this moment, but my mind drifts to the prior year of struggles. I’d started up the studio by myself, making a million missteps along the way. But finally, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. A steady stream of regulars and expansion these prior months have me excited for the future for the first time in a while.
As the class goes through the final movement, I try to stay centered and push out the thoughts, but I fail. My mind races from the past to the immediate future, the two-page to-do list that is on my phone. I am mere days away from hosting my very first off-site yoga retreat, and there are still a million things to do. I need a clone.
“Namaste,” I whisper and close the class. The boomerang of the mantra reverberates off the wall, the force of a dozen voices forming a chorus. I stand and wink at the approaching excited wave of bouncing blonde hair known as Carrie. I already know she has three questions at the ready, a routine ever since I’d convinced her to join the retreat.
“So, we’re meeting in front of the studio here at 6:30 a.m. next Monday, right?” Her electric eyes flash a joy that fills me with happiness. She is one of my regulars, having joined the studio back in my early days of struggle. Her practice has progressed so much since then. I constructed this retreat for students like her, regulars who are ready for the next level and need a little push. I see the potential in her, even if she has doubts about herself.
I nod and push a laugh and redirect her toward the foyer. “We have two vans, one from Cambria, and we’ll go directly to the lodge.”
“Two-hour drive, right? I’ll make sure to grab something to go. Is the cafe open at that hour?” Her frenetic energy only amplifies my nerves. Should I have provided breakfast for them? Is the cafe open at that hour? Should I add a third page to my to-do list?
“I’ll find out, but you may want to bring snacks in any case.” I try to display a calm that I don’t feel as we reach the foyer. Many of the students wave on their way out and I spot the stack of flyers on the table. The retreat has sold well; I’m down to the final open slot. I wasn’t surprised when the early slots went quickly. These last few spots have taken a sustained, focused effort to sell; however, selling out my very first retreat, especially on my shoestring budget and with everything on my shoulders, will be a win.
Carrie slips her yoga mat into her travel bag, whipping it over her shoulder as she blows me a kiss. “See you bright and early Monday.”
I wave to her and notice my friends Mia and Aaron entering the studio, right on time. Mia Marshall looks stunning as usual. Her dark hair perfectly frames her beautiful face, which features dark eyes and high cheekbones. She could easily be a model if she hadn’t gone into commercial real estate. She’s beaming, just as I’ve seen for the last few months, the reason apparent to anyone with a set of eyes and a heart—the blond hunk of a man who sneaks a kiss down the back of her neck, Aaron Parker. The two are a loving couple that makes my heart warm.
“Can we make a quick pit stop before we go?” I ask and grab the stack of flyers from the front desk.
Mia snickers as she leans in for a quick hug. “Let me guess, Coffee and Convo,” she insinuates.
“It’s not like that,” I say and wave the flyers in her face. I try to hide my guilty face behind the stack of papers. Normally, I wouldn’t worry, my dark complexion easily hiding a blush, but when it comes to Jackson, I fear that even my black-girl magic skin can’t suppress the heat that he causes.
Aaron takes a quick glance at his watch, “Yep” is his cryptic reply.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” I fall into his trap. I flip the sign in the door closed. The next class isn’t scheduled for ninety minutes.
“He’s definitely on duty,” Aaron offers as he holds the door open. Such the gentleman. Mia and I step through as he pulls it shut and twists the knob to confirm it is locked.
“Who? Jackson?” I play dumb. A pointless exercise, as they already know. Jackson manages the Coffee and Convo cafe, and I’ve been crushing on him for what seems like forever. He is a tall, thin, calm soul who appears to have all the patience in the world, which is good because I can’t be distracted. At least not now.
Mia bumps shoulders with me. “When are you going to ask him out? He’s made it clear he’s waiting for you to make the first move. It’s kinda sexy in a way.”
I shake my head side to side, my locs waving in my face like brushes in a car wash, hiding my expression. Am I ready to date again?
The question hangs out there as we make our way down the street. It’s a short walk to the cafe. Hell, in Destiny Falls everywhere is just a short walk away. I am still amazed that I’ve ended up in a small town in Indiana. It’s the opposite of where I grew up in every way. When I escaped like a bat out of hell, I was looking for something completely different, and boy did I find it. This loving community has consistently surprised me in the best kind of ways. Two perfect examples are walking right in front of me. Mia has become my rock, my best friend, and her business advice has helped me become successful in a short time.
“Now’s not the right time.” I offer up a crumb, hoping it fills them and we can move on.
Aaron slips his arm around Mia’s shoulder as we reach the cafe. “Okay, but don’t wait too long. Sometimes when you find that someone special, you need to slop them right up. Right is right.” He places yet another kiss along Mia’s neck, their love so damn adorable. I’m happy for them and wonder if one day I will find something like that. My mind immediately races to the image of Jackson. I shake my head, hoping to push this thought away. I need to remain focused.
Once again, Aaron holds the door open for us as we enter the cafe. It’s late afternoon, and the post-lunch crowd is gone. A few stragglers remain, most of them buried in their phones and laptops.
“Grab a table, I’ll be right there.” A wave of nerves hit right on schedule, as they do every time I come to the cafe and Jackson is working. I point toward our table just so I have something to do with my hands, Mia and Aaron already halfway there. We pretty much always sit in the same place, so much that they should just inscribe our names on it.
I turn toward the community board and look for a few pushpins as my eyes spot flyers for the upcoming food drive, improv at the local theater, and the upcoming classical music performance under the stars.
I smell his unique scent before I hear him approach. Nerves flash through my chest as the corners of my mouth lift. I bite down, hoping to keep my smile hidden. My nerves shift to butterflies in my stomach as I sense his presence close in. A warmth of heat covers my back as a tattooed arm appears over my shoulder. “Let me grab those pins at the top for you.”
I turn slightly and look up into those dreamy sky-blue eyes. He is wearing a skull cap over his long hair, and I get lost for a moment.
“Hey, sunshine.”
Two words. Two freaking words and I lose track of everything. My to-do list evaporates, taking with it all the stress I carry. My heart is beating so loud that I feel it in my ears. None of it matters as I stare up and his lips warm with joy, a small smile forming.
My lips match his, my smile coming out from hiding to greet its twin. We are too close for me to hide my blush this time. Time practically stops and I finally find my voice.
“Hey, Jackson.”
2 Jackson
I hold the stack of flyers for Dana as she pushes in the last pushpin, three new flyers now on the community board. I must hold back my laugh as there were already three of her ads prominently featured. The only difference is that today’s flyers are printed on neon yellow, replacing the royal blue ones. Over the last two weeks she has swapped out the flyers, practically covering every color in the rainbow. I take the removed papers from her delicate hand. The spark of her touch runs through me, making everything else in the world disappear.
My eyes flicker and take note of the thin sheen of sweat on her ebony skin, a reminder of the yoga workout she has just completed. She is a constant visitor to the cafe between classes, so much so that I have her schedule memorized. A tiny droplet of sweat slides down her shoulder, and I have to fight every instinct not to run my finger across it. I divert my gaze unsuccessfully, but it pauses on her sculptured arms, her biceps flexing as she releases the papers. The movement finally pulls me out of my Dana-induced haze, a place I can’t wait to visit again.
“This is a much better color; the flyer really pops,” I clown as she turns to me with an intensity that wasn’t there a second ago.
“You think? I almost went with the fire red.” My smile turns into a laugh, and she stops midsentence. “Oh, you were joking. You find this funny? Do you know how much work it is to change out flyers all over town every day?”
I push up my sleeves, the image of a chef’s knife slashing through the air peeking out. I lower my arm before it distracts her. “Or you can leave the not so old ones where they are. Work eliminated.”
“Slacker,” she beams and touches my arm, an electrical jolt racing right through me to my chest. Every touch, every glance, every smile reaffirms that heaven does exist on earth. She steps around me. “It’s science—eyes are drawn to the new. If I leave the flyer up, it quickly gets ignored.”
I follow her through the cafe, and I take in her new yoga pants. The charcoal material is like a second skin on her, highlighting every curve, every muscle. Maybe she has a point about the new. She steps toward her favorite table.
“I didn’t realize there were a lot of community board monitors around. Do they wear uniforms? I wonder if I can get them to hold their meetings here Wednesday evenings. It gets slow midweek.”
“Jokes, more jokes. That’s okay—we’ll see who’s laughing when I franchise and go international.”
The mention of expansion stops me in my tracks. “Is that something you are interested in?” She’s too focused on her flyers to note my shift.
Her eyes roll for a split second before she responds, “Oh god no, I just need to get through these next two weeks.”
I exhale a breath, relief returning to my body. “I’m sure it’ll go great. It looks like everything you touch turns out just the way you wish.”
“Oh really.” She reaches out and taps my shoulder. Hope spreads through me. I’ve observed this wonderful woman for months now; I’ve sensed her hesitation, knowing she is fighting some internal battle when it comes to me. She’s not alone—I’m fighting my own set of battles. But she has the power to make me lay down my sword, the power to change my future, a power she has yet to realize she possesses.
I’ve been patient, flirtatious at times, but respectful. She must see that I’m attracted to her, but I need her to send a clear sign for once. Will today be that day? “The power of touch, you say?” She shoots a magnetic smile toward me as I nearly lean in and place it all in jeopardy. “You’ve touched me, now your wish is my command. Anything your heart desires.”
She pauses, her eyes flickering quickly from me to Mia and back. I hold out hope as her lips part. “Can you magically make these flyers update all over town?”
Her deflection doesn’t disappoint me. I’ve seen her do this time and time again. I’m not normally a patient person, but I already know this treasure is worth the wait. “That I can do,” I say and hold the back of the chair out for her. She tips her head in gratitude as she slides down to the chair, joining her friends. “It’s called email.” I laugh before adding, “Your regular?”
She giggles and nods.
“Be right back. Oh, and by the way, I love that headband.” Her lips pinch. An appreciative glance accompanies me and I head behind the counter and begin to prepare her drink. I reach underneath the counter to the nearly-hidden shelf and grab the special treat. Thirty seconds later, I return with her tea to go and the special treat wrapped.
“And what do we have here?” Mia says approaching. Aaron’s lips are mere inches from her ear, my return interrupting their whispering. Their love is an inspiration to us all.
I slip the treat in front of Dana, like a penguin pushing a pebble toward a mate. “Just something for Dana to keep up her energy as she runs all around town.”
She looks up at me as if I hung the moon, a gleam in her eyes that tells me waking up at 5:00 a.m. to prepare the treat was so worth it. “It’s nothing special—it’s just a carrot cake bliss ball, totally healthy, made with oats and coconut flakes, pecans and brown rice malt. They travel well and pack a ton of energy.”
Mia responds before Dana can. “That sounds good. I didn’t see it on the menu. Is it new?”
It’s now Aaron’s turn to chime in, but all I want to hear is Dana’s response. “You won’t find it on the menu. You made this special, didn’t you?” His question causes me to turn toward him, and I nod. He’s looking at me as if he is attempting to solve a mystery, and my pulse races as if I’ve mis-stepped.
“Thank you, Jackson.” Dana’s sweet voice pulls me back toward her. “That’s really sweet, and you knew I keep it healthy.”
Our eyes lock for a beat. “Yeah, I kind of notice what my customers like. Especially the really special ones. It’s kind of, sort of my job.” She makes me stutter; she makes me lose track of the ability to speak. There are so many things she makes me do, and I love every one of them.
A slight exhale escapes her magnificent lips as her mahogany skin hides any sign of the blush I hoped to induce.
“They look delicious. Do you have another bag?” Mia asks, but I shake my head side to side.
“I’m sorry, I only whipped up a few.”
“Just for me?” Dana practically whispers.
I nod. “I may joke, Dana, but I see how hard you are working. I just wanted to find a way to show my support—that is, other than reaching the pushpins at the top of the board.”
She stands and pulls me into a hug. “Thank you, Jackson, I really appreciate this.” She smells of musk and vanilla, the essential oil smell from the studio, a constant reminder on her skin. “You know you have the discount rate at the studio. Pop in for a class anytime.”
I nod, not exactly the words I expected. “Sure. Let me get back to the front.” I turn toward Aaron and Mia. “Let me know if you need anything else.”
Mia’s devilish gaze locks on Dana; I think she understands what I am seeking. I’m sure I’m about to be part of their conversation.
Aaron, however, has picked up my treat. He’s staring at it as if it’s a clue of some sort. He pulls out his phone and begins to snap pictures and my heart races.
Before Aaron returned to Destiny Falls, he was a top location film scout in Hollywood. He searched and found things all over the world. He has an unmatched eye for detail.
He places the treat back in front of Dana, who is giggling in Mia’s direction. A chill remains in my bones; Aaron has a stern look plastered on his face as he looks up from his phone in my direction and then back to his phone. His fingers become a blur, and I already know what is to come.
Aaron’s doing what he does—he’s searching, and my heartfelt tribute to Dana has put me squarely on his radar.
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