Turner's Vision

Turner's Vision

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An American Historical Romance

His visions of the future brought them together...

Micah Turner's visions have brought him down from his Colorado mountain refuge to the nation's capital in search of his lost sister. Her disappearance may have something to do with the murder of a senator and a beautiful woman who is also haunting his visions.

Claudia Davis spent most of her life in fear. Now she has the chance to put her past behind her and help discover who is behind the senator's murder. When a giant man approaches her one night with a letter from her friend who'd witnessed the murder she must decide if she can put her fears aside and trust the stranger.

As the pair work together to solve the murder they discover a deeper plot, one that has its roots buried in Micah's past. Can they fight for justice and their love? Or will Micah's visions of blood and death be fulfilled?

Release date: March 4, 2015

Publisher: Suzanne Ferrell Productions

Print pages: 418

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