Bella's Touch

Bella's Touch

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Michael Barclay, an artist with a promising career before him, came home from the Civil War a broken man on the edge of despair. Wounded and sure his life as an artist is over, he's ended his engagement to his beautiful muse, Bella.

Arrabella Taylor arrives at Michael's rural Ohio home uninvited, but with great determination to confront her former fiancé. She means to find out exactly why he's broken their engagement and try to convince him what a mistake he's made. When she discovers he's not only wounded from the war, but broken in spirit, she takes drastic measures to reawaken the artist soul deep inside Michael and rekindle their love.

But is Bella's touch enough to save not only Michael, but both of them from a danger in Michael's past that threatens their future?

Release date: January 1, 2013

Print pages: 204

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