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She Was Going To Be Trouble...
U.S. Marshal Frank Castello is on medical leave and feeling restless. While at his friends' wedding he finds himself attracted to Sydney Peele. Problem was, the cute, sassy blonde is the photographer for the wedding. Frank hates photographers. They're a hazard to his profession, especially when he's on witness protection duty.

He Had Hero Written All Over Him...
Sydney Peele is intrigued by the grumpy Marshal at her friend's wedding, even when the big, sexy man begrudgingly offers to take her home afterwards. Her pleasure is short lived when her home and life is literally going up in flames. Her brother had been staying at her home and there is no sign of him anywhere. When Sydney goes into a state of frozen shock, finely honed instinct has Castello rushing her from the scene to safety at his home.

Danger Surrounds Them...
A visit to the fire scene the next day confirms his suspicions when the firemen on the sight confirm it a case of arson. As Frank and Sydney search for answers about who might've started the blaze, questions arise about her brother, also a photographer. Was he responsible for the fire? Or has he exposed his sister to something far more sinister?

Release date: June 14, 2016

Publisher: Suzanne Ferrell Productions

Print pages: 326

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