The Edgars Family Romantic Suspense Series

The Edgars Family Romantic Suspense Series

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This boxed e-book set includes the first two Best-selling Edgars Family Romantic Suspense Novels, KIDNAPPED and HUNTED, along with the fast-paced novella SEIZED

A Man in Desperate Need
FBI Agent Jake Carlisle is in deep trouble. While undercover he's been shot but he's not sure if it's the crooks or local cops behind it. Worse, if he can't get help fast, two lives will be lost—his and that of the young witness, a boy whom he's sworn to protect. On the run from both the police and the Russian Mafia, he'll do anything to save the child at his side, even something illegal. In desperation he kidnaps a nurse from a hospital parking lot.

A Woman at The Edge Of Despair
ER nurse Samantha Edgars has been living in an emotional vacuum since the death of her daughter. Abandoned by her husband not long afterward, she struggles just to get through each day, but now all she's wants is for the pain to stop and finally be at peace with her child. Mentally and physically exhausted following a difficult shift, she walks through the hospital's dark parking lot lost in her own thoughts. Suddenly, she's jolted from her stupor when she's bound, gagged, and tossed into the back of her car.

Danger on Their Heels
When they arrive at her home, she's terrified and forced to tend a bleeding FBI agent and his injured witness. But Samantha quickly learns the rogue agent and orphaned boy need more than just her professional skills. With a menace bearing down on them, she must learn to trust Jake—and her heart— if they're all going to survive.

A Woman Outside the Rules
In one fiery explosion Katie Myers' witness protection cover is blown. Unable to trust the Marshals who've been responsible for her safety, she's on the run from the cult leader she put on death row. In desperation she forces a near stranger at gunpoint to help her hide.

A Man Who Lives by Them
By-the-book patrolman Matt Edgars is shocked when the woman he's come to rescue points a gun at him and demands he help her leave a crime scene. The stark terror in Katie's beautiful eyes has him breaking rules for the first time in his career.

Making It Up as They Flee the Danger on Their Trail
With a hit man on their trail, Matt must break down the walls Katie has built to guard the secrets of her past. If not the cult leader will fulfill his prophecy and take the one woman Matt has ever loved to the grave.

They hit a rocky patch

Dave and Judy Edgars have always loved each other – they've been married ten years and have three kids. But ever since Dave, a SWAT team member, was shot on duty Judy can't control the intense fear that grips her every time he heads out to work. It puts a strain on their relationship. Dave knows she's scared, but damn it she knew he was a cop the day they met. His patience is wearing thin.

Until the tables are turned...

One icy winter night, Judy, an operating room nurse, is called into work. She's taken hostage by a crazed gunman with an agenda. Now with Judy's life in danger and the SWAT team deployed elsewhere, Dave must face the same fear his wife does on a daily basis. Terrified he will lose her, he and his law enforcement family race to save Judy and stop her captor's plans.

Release date: October 24, 2013

Publisher: Suzanne Ferrell Producations

Print pages: 546

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