Close To Christmas, A Westen Series Novella

Close To Christmas, A Westen Series Novella

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Westen small town series, book 4

It's been a long dangerous year for the town folks of Westen. A celebration is just what they need. It's four days before Christmas and the town is not only decked out in their holiday best, but looking forward to the wedding of Sheriff Gage Justice and his love, Deputy Bobby Roberts.

First Bobby's lawyer sister, Chloe comes to town looking over her shoulder, which has the quiet deputy, Wes Strong wondering what has her running scared. Then problems start to happen with the wedding plans.

Has Chloe brought trouble to Westen?

Or does someone in town want to ruin the wedding this close to Christmas?

Release date: December 8, 2014

Publisher: Suzanne Ferrell Productions

Print pages: 144

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