Sunsets, Sabbatical and Scandal

Sunsets, Sabbatical and Scandal

Tonya Kappes Founding author
Who served up the murder at the Normal Diner?
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A beloved resident of Normal, Kentucky is found dead on the floor of the Normal Diner, leaving the entire town on high alert. Faster than the short order cook can say order up... the laundry ladies are in the scene.

News spreads fast about the murder and Detective Hank Sharp is hungry for answers.

Mae West along with the Laundry Club ladies come up with a list of suspects and the evidence is piling up faster than a juicy double cheeseburger.

Who murdered the beloved citizen?

Was it a hit to score some extra lunch money?

Release date: March 24, 2020

Publisher: Independently published

Print pages: 204

Reader says this book is...: entertaining story (1) female sleuth (1) quirky supporting cast (1) red herrings (1) trail of clues (1) unexpected twists (1)

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