Olivia Sinclair

Pacific Northwest
About the author

I live and work in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest where I like to experiment with making wine and sourdough bread when I’m not writing or being lectured by my adorably entitled chickens.

I love my characters and I want them all to live happily ever after (along with fabulous careers, chubby babies, and/or adorable pets.) Sometimes this requires letting go of how the real world works. I’m okay with that and I hope you are too! I write steamy stuff, but I’m not angsty so my stories are cheerful with dashes of funny. I giggle a lot while I type. Can you tell?

Genres: Erotic & Steamy RomanceHoliday RomanceMilitary RomanceNew Adult RomanceRomantic ComedyWorkplace Romance

Books by Olivia Sinclair

Men of A Corps
Surrender to Fate
Mountain Men of SEAL Force Delta Tango
ACI Unleashed
Collected Men of A Corps

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