World of Misery

World of Misery

Book 2: Cursed World
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A girl abandoned.
A vanished world.
A determination to keep her brother safe at all costs…

When Kendall’s parents died, she really thought she would be okay. She was still in contact with her best friend, after all, and Liv’s mom was prepared for anything. Kendall wouldn’t be alone. She would have help. She would be okay.

Except that’s not how it turned out and now Kendall is faced with keeping her ten-year-old brother safe all on her own. But with society gone and most of humanity dead, she isn’t sure how to do it. Short on food and desperate for help, they set out in search of other survivors, but not even Liv’s mom could have possibly been prepared for the misery that awaits them…

Release date: December 26, 2023

Publisher: Twisted Press, LLC

Print pages: 100

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