Transforming Emma

Transforming Emma

Book 18: Lockets and Lace
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Raised a tomboy on a central Texas ranch, Emmaleigh Wallache returns from a year's visit during which her Bostonian aunt introduced her to a life of culture—fulfilling her late mother's wish. Her is intent on marrying her off to the son of a wealthy meat distributor to guarantee the success of his cattle business. Happy for her time spent in society, Emmaleigh struggles to discover where she truly belongs.
Foreman Brett Haynes, who has waited until Emma turned eighteen so he can reveal his caring feelings, can't believe the changes a year made. Gone is the spunky girl who raced him through fields or swung from ropes over the swimming hole. He has nothing in common with this sophisticated young woman and despairs she is unreachable. Can he remind her of life's simpler moments and win over the heart he has always thought of as belonging to him?

Release date: March 18, 2020

Publisher: Inked Figments

Print pages: 135

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