Tending Troubles

Tending Troubles

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Book 7 in Dorado, Texas series
Traveling west to become a mail-order bride is the most adventurous act Bostonian Imogene Franklin ever did. Unfortunately, the groom chose another so now Imogene must make her way on her own. Dreading the idea of returning home to continue raising her siblings, she is reduced to waiting tables in the Dorado café.
Guilt hangs heavy over Reggie Othmann—ever since he brought home a childhood illness that claimed both his parents' lives. The ink is barely dry on Reggie's degree when he arrives home in Dorado to establish a medical practice. All he's wanted since he was ten years old is to help people, but the townspeople have been without a doctor for so long, they don't flock through his doors as expected.
An illness sweeps the town, and Reggie is overwhelmed, fearing he's not qualified to heal them. Imogene steps in and together, they work hard to prevent anyone from dying, spending days together. Is their emotional tie born of the closeness of the ordeal or perhaps something more?
Book 7 of Dorado, Texas series

Release date: January 29, 2018

Publisher: Inked Figments

Print pages: 236

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