Chasing Adventure: Montana Sky Series

Chasing Adventure: Montana Sky Series

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In 1887 Montana Territory, dime-novelist author, Thora Alviss, hounds an ex-US marshal, Harte Renwyck, for an interview, but he wants no more publicity about his past life. Thora doesn't understand why so she sits opposite the Morgan mine to speak to him until she jeopardizes his job. After apologizing to Michael Morgan, Thora switches to exploring the physical environment for locations for her stories and ends up being cornered by a bull on the Rolling M Ranch. Thora's thirst for a good story is stronger than her ability to get herself out of danger and Harte comes to the rescue time and again. Will she give up and return east, or will she learn the survival skills she's been writing about?

Ex-US marshal, Harte Renwyck, is seeking a new job but a pesky dime-novelist author, Thora Alviss, wants to interview him about his past profession. He wants no more publicity or acclaim and has to act tough to get her to leave the site of his mine guard job. On an afternoon ride, he has to rescue her from being bull bait in a nearby ranch's pasture. The next rescue occurs during a thwarted gold train robbery. While Harte can't deny a growing respect for her efforts, he's been wronged by the press in the past and fights to keep his distance. Can he look past his prior grudge and see the adventurous woman close at hand?

Release date: September 30, 2018

Publisher: Montana Sky Publishing

Print pages: 125

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