A Bride for Cody

A Bride for Cody

Book 41: The Proxy Brides
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Veteran Cody Sheffield went from surviving the Civil War ended to spending years building the Transcontinental Railroad. Finally, he finds solace on an uncle's apple farm in southern California. A change in family circumstances demands he seek a bride.
Nurse Riona Gilbride pitched in to do her part when the war came to her hometown of Harpers Ferry. Years later, she's still tending others when she realizes the time has come to care for herself, and she answers an ad in a matchmaking newsletter.
Expectations and temperaments clash. Soon, both Cody and Riona wonder if their decision to marry without meeting beforehand is a huge mistake.

Release date: May 19, 2020

Publisher: Inked Figments

Print pages: 120

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