I finished my homework around ten-thirty and started getting ready for bed. I decided that good rest was probably a higher priority than washing and drying my hair, even if cheerleaders were held to higher hygienic standards. I would have to wear my hair back and coat it with dry shampoo in the morning.
Before I got into bed, I checked my school computer one last time. It was a bad habit to use my computer and phone so close to bedtime, but I was paranoid about missing an assignment or a message from a teacher. I closed out each tab one by one, stopping once I got to my email. There was one new message waiting for me by an email address I didn’t recognize. I assumed it was spam, but my curiosity got the better of me and I clicked on it. Instead of links to viruses, it was a long message, addressed directly to me.
I debated on whether or not to send you this message because I don’t want to cause trouble in our little school. You’re new, so I think it is only fair that you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into. You don’t know me, but I promise I am telling the truth. From someone who has been hurt and used, trust me when I tell you that you need to be careful with how you spend your time outside of the classroom.
My mouth fell open as I read the message, surprised that I was somehow important enough to be the recipient of an anonymous warning. My instant reaction was to believe everything, but common sense told me to be critical. Why would someone send me a warning without including their name?
I know you think you are being nice by helping Bea with her homework. Maybe you think that you owe it to her for pressuring the cheerleading coach to choose you or because everyone knows she spends money on her inner circle. Maybe you like the popularity and protection being her friend comes with. If you choose to remain close to Bea, just know that she will use you until there is nothing left.
Bea will act like she is smart and gets good grades on her own. She does have street smarts, but she has never tried in academics because she never had to. When she refers to her study group, she is talking about her friends who do all of her schoolwork for her. This has been going on since middle school. She manipulates people into doing whatever she wants them to do. Don’t believe me? One of her friends has been completing her math and science homework in exchange for gifts and cash because the friend is saving all of her money for college. Another one of her friends does all of her homework that involves research or writing because she’s met a lot of friends through Bea and doesn’t want to lose them. One friend had to turn down a “study session” and her status in the group fell so dramatically that the girl transferred schools. Everyone who helps Bea is afraid to make her mad because she has the ability to turn the whole school against someone. She is not above making up rumors to keep people in control.
You might be wondering why Bea would do this. Bea is not stupid. She knows that grades are important for having a certain image, but that she really doesn’t need school knowledge for her future. Her modeling career has basically been set in stone since she was 13. She needs to get through high school so she can start her career. I don’t think she would even graduate without help at this point.
You need to know this so you understand what you’re getting yourself into. One day, you might be proofreading a paper she actually wrote. Another time, you’re working on a project that will take you days. She might even ask you to turn your desk toward hers on a test so she can copy off of it. Or she might even ask you to copy down the answers and give them to her if she has the class later on in the day. It’s risky and time-consuming. Your grades will likely suffer because you’re spending more time on her homework than you are on your own. If you mess up on her work and she doesn’t like the grade, there will be hell to pay. It’s extremely stressful and hard to keep up with. If you have any stress in your life apart from Bea’s needs, she will ruin you.
I’m not saying this because I want you to ditch Bea. I’m telling you because so many other girls were not prepared for the life Bea handed them. I’m not even telling you this so you can completely avoid helping her with her work. In fact, maybe it’s best to give her a little assistance every now and again. I’m just letting you know that it’s important to protect yourself and strike a balance between her life and yours. In her mind, she will always be more important. Look out for yourself.
There was no name signed to the email. From a young age, it had been drilled into me to never trust someone who doesn’t stand by their word. Internet trolls were a prime example. If a person couldn’t attach their name to their message, there was a good chance they didn’t mean it, or it was completely false. If someone from Bea’s inner circle had told me this information, I would be more likely to believe it. Bea was popular, and that usually involved a few enemies who didn’t like the attention she got. It wouldn’t be out of the question for this email to come from someone Bea had gotten into a fight with as a means of getting revenge.
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