
He will become a legend...

Before the legend of Preacher there was a man, and before the man there was a boy. In this thrilling new novel, William W. Johnstone tells the story of a young man filled with wanderlust and raw courage — who will someday become a hero.

...if he survives...

On nothing more than a lark, he leaves his family and begins a journey from Ohio westward. Along the way, he runs up against badlands and bad men, loses his freedom, gains his freedom, and learns the first rule of the frontier: Do whatever it takes to survive.


With ruthless enemies after him — both white men and Indians - he'll head for a place as brutal as it is beautiful — the wilderness of the Rocky Mountains. Two years later, he will come back down from the mountaintop with new skills, and a new future as one of the most feared and admired men of his time...a man called Preacher.

Release date: June 28, 2016

Publisher: Pinnacle Books

Print pages: 256

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