Mother's Day Garden

Mother's Day Garden

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An ordinary woman makes an extraordinary discovery -- and gets a second chance to follow her dreams -- in this heartwarming novel from award-winning storyteller Kimberly Cates
Parenthood behind her, her only daughter off to college, Hannah O'Connell should be enjoying the peace of an empty home, and time with her husband, Sam.
But a miraculous arrival, an abandoned baby girl, comes into their lives -- a precious infant with the power to put the unspoken strains in their marriage into sharp focus. Clashing with Sam over caring for little Ellie, Hannah takes a chance on her lifelong wish for a home filled with the laughter and joys of children. Sam needs only to look at Hannah's garden -- where, years ago, she hoped to plant a lilac bush for each of her children still to be -- to know he cannot keep her love for Ellie from blooming. But will a shattering secret from Hannah's past push them to the breaking point? Hannah will risk everything on the hope that love is enough for them all.

Release date: April 1, 2002

Publisher: Pocket Books

Print pages: 416

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