Stealing Heaven

Stealing Heaven

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A dangerous deception...
Spinster Norah Linton gambles on a last chance at love and travels to Ireland to wed—sight unseen—Sir Aidan Kane. Upon her arrival at Castle Rathcannon, she is horrified to learn that the tender letters that won her heart were actually penned by Sir Aidan's high-spirited daughter. Not only is Sir Aidan Kane not the tender-hearted widower she thought, he is a scoundrel rumored to have murdered the first Lady Kane.

A dedicated bachelor...
Aidan Kane loves his daughter, Cassandra, and would do almost anything for her—except give up his rakish ways to become leg-shackled to the overly prim Miss Linton. But his past comes to haunt him when Cass longs for a London Season. He knows she'll be ostracized for her parents' sins. When he discovers that the very proper Norah Linton is the granddaughter of a famous general, he realizes that her honorable lineage could save Cass from humiliation at the hands of the haute ton. But is that worth putting his head through the matrimonial noose?

A devil's bargain...
They each agree to the marriage—eyes wide open, both knowing it's not for love. And just as they settle into their fragile world, the rumors surrounding the mysterious death of Aidan's first wife rear up again. As unknown enemies seek revenge, striking at the heart of everything Aidan holds dear, he and Norah must learn the truth of what really happened before all is lost.

"Celtic Rogues"
1. BLACK FALCON'S LADY (first published as NIGHTWYLDE by Berkley Books)
(Tade and Maryssa)
2. HER MAGIC TOUCH (formerly published as MAGIC by Pocket Books)
(Ciaran and Fallon)
3. BRIAR ROSE (Lion and Rhiannon)
4. STEALING HEAVEN (Aidan and Norah)
5. LILY FAIR (Niall and Caitlin)

"Culloden's Fire"
1. GATHER THE STARS (Gavin and Rachel)
2. ANGEL'S FALL (Adam and Juliet)
3. CROWN OF DREAMS (Myles and Devlin)
4. CROWN OF MIST (Creighton and Brianna)

Release date: April 8, 2020

Publisher: Gnarly Wool Publishing

Print pages: 460

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