Crown of Dreams

Crown of Dreams

Book 3: Culloden's Fire
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A bright future...
With Devlin Chastain's wedding to the Honorable Braden Tracey a mere two weeks away, she has everything to look forward to. That is until her scapegrace childhood nemesis, Lord Myles Farringdon, returns home to announce that he has joined Bonnie Prince Charlie's cause. Devlin will do anything to get him to leave—especially after the blackguard kisses her—even if it means helping him escape as the dragoons arrive to arrest him.

A dark lord...
Myles Farringdon hadn't intended on branding Devlin a traitor, but in her haste to be rid of him, she was seen by the king's soldiers. Knowing she'll be hanged if she is caught, he drags her onto his horse and rides with her to Scotland.

A perilous journey...
From the court of Prince Charles, to the crushing defeat at Culloden Moor, and to the search for a legendary Jacobite crown, Devlin and Myles face danger and betrayal, losing hope along the way, and nearly losing each other.

Culloden's Fire Series:
Book 1: Gather the Stars
Book 2: Angel's Fall
Book 3: Crown of Dreams
Book 4: Crown of Mist
Book 5: Morning Song

Release date: April 8, 2020

Publisher: Oliver Heber books

Print pages: 702

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