Lily Fair

Lily Fair

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In an Ireland divided between druid mystics and the faith of St. Patrick...

A dark prophecy...
It was foretold that Caitlin of the Lilies would one day destroy the Irish chieftain Conn, who sends her to be raised in a far-off convent. Caitlin trustingly awaits the bridegroom Conn has promised her—and at last a handsome warrior arrives to escort her home. Cailtin wonders if this proud, silent man is to be her husband, until she awakens to find him looming over her, his sword at her throat.

A knight errant...
Niall of the Seven Betrayals has sworn fealty to Conn, the chieftain who promised Niall a final quest that will win him honor. When Conn orders him to escort Caitlin of the Lilies home, Niall resents being charged with such a mundane task, not suspecting that the crafty Conn has carefully honed him into the perfect weapon to do the unspeakable.

A test of loyalties...
When Niall attempts to carry out his mission, the defiant Caitlin makes him question everything he believes. He faces an unimaginable dilemma. Kill the innocent maid who trusts herself to his protection or betray his king and have all hope of regaining his honor snatched away—along with his life.

Release date: April 8, 2020

Publisher: Gnarly Wool Publishing

Print pages: 602

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