• Burning For You
  • If You Only Knew
  • Lovestruck


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CEO hotel mogul Barbara Jennings has three months to decide whether to close her Manhattan hotel or cut costs by firing some of her employees. She meets her much-younger employee, Jennifer Caffey and is instantly smitten.

Now Barbara has another mission...to seduce the innocent Jenny.

Jenny is also attracted to the powerful and beautiful Barbara, but has never really had a steamy love affair with another woman. Unwittingly, she allows herself to be swept away by her passion for this older woman who may ruin her life.

*original published in 2010. Has been revised and edited*

Release date: October 1, 2017

Publisher: KT Grant

Print pages: 153

* BingeBooks earns revenue from qualifying purchases as an Amazon Associate as well as from other retail partners.

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