Shine On

Shine On

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Jade Moretti's job at Lovely Diamonds, the most popular gentlemen's club in Las Vegas, pays well. She's not a stripper but an accountant who loves running numbers and watching revenues rise. Lovely Diamonds is a family business, run by her former stripper mother for over thirty years. At twenty-three, Jade is ready to embrace adulthood and live life on her own terms.

As Jade catches the eye of a former popular classmate from high school from her past reenters her life. Her former best friend, international rock star Ivy Falls has returned, not only to shake up the town, but to jumpstart her relationship with Jade, who she left behind for fame and fortune.

Ivy wants a second chance, and won't take no for an answer. Is Jade willing to forgive the woman who walked out on her, leaving her heart shattered in the process?

Release date: June 4, 2017

Publisher: KT Grant

Print pages: 138

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