Never Find Her

Never Find Her

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Deborah Murnay has a life most women would die for. She has a loving wife of four years who gives her anything she wants. But, she hides a dark secret. Her wife Genevieve not only enjoys kinky, dangerous sex, but is insanely jealous and possessive. When a violent argument between the two leaves Deborah bruised and battered, she has no other choice but to run away.

Through some intricate planning, she's able to trick Genevieve into thinking she's dead. Deborah ends up hundreds of miles away in the small town of Woodberry Creek where she can start over again, even though she lives in fear Genevieve will find her and kill her.

When grade school teacher Bridgette Woodberry notices her new neighbor, she quickly figures out Woodberry Creek's new resident is hiding something. Deborah knows she can't have a future with Bridgette, but finds herself attractive to the kindhearted redhead whose kisses and warm embrace makes her feel protected.

As Deborah turns to Bridgette to help heal her scars, Genevieve is waiting for the right moment to take back her wife and make her pay for deceiving her.

Release date: July 5, 2020

Publisher: KT Grant

Print pages: 353

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