Burning For You

Burning For You

Book 2: Lovestruck
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Patrick Medcaff is a thirty-something blue collar worker trying to make ends meet in Manhattan. He dreams of owning a condo, and in order to do that he has to work a part-time job along with his full time job as a handyman at the ritzy St. Jennings hotel. Patrick will be the newest addition to the New York City College janitorial staff where he is introduced to the shark looking handsome Dean of the Economics department, Christian Jennings.

When Christian and Patrick meet, sparks fly between the two. Patrick thinks nothing can come out of their attraction because Christian is a college graduate who comes from an affluent family made of money, while he barely has two pennies to rub together. Christian, on the other hand, can't get Patrick off his mind, and will prove that although they are opposites in every way, their desires for one another can't be ignored.

Soon these two are embarking on a secret love affair. But when an ex-boyfriend of Patrick's comes back to claim him, Christian will do whatever he can to keep Patrick as his own.

Release date: June 26, 2015

Publisher: KT Grant

Print pages: 126

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