High Desert Super Series: High Desert Cozy Mystery Series

High Desert Super Series: High Desert Cozy Mystery Series

Dianne Harman Founding author
Marty, you're not in Kansas anymore! Palm Springs, wealth, and murders, yes. Cattle and wheat, no!
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Marty, you're not in Kansas anymore! Palm Springs, wealth, and murders, yes. Cattle and wheat, no!

She never expected to have a new romance and become involved in solving murders, but when you fall in love with a detective, it comes with the turf.

Join Marty, her sister Laura, who has some paranormal abilities, and Jeff, along with Duke and Patron, their dogs, as they search for murderers in this six-book boxed set.

From a USA Today Bestselling Author and Amazon All-Star. All books free with Kindle Unlimited.

Release date: April 30, 2018

Print pages: 1221

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