Corvus Hall

Corvus Hall

In darkness and dreams there is a powerful force calling you home.
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Welcome to the Irish Phantom Series!

Enjoy linked novellas that keep the tension high and build up to the final and thrilling conclusion. After surviving an inexplicable supernatural event, a young woman from New Jersey is crippled by anxiety and terrible phobias. But it isn’t until a few years later when her best friend Ashlin is to be married at a lavish mansion in Ireland, that the mystery begins to unravel.

Will Mary unlock the secrets of Corvus Hall before it’s too late?

Hold on to to your seatbelt! The phantoms watch while Nigel feeds the birds.Corvus Hall was written in homage to Daphne DuMaurier’s Rebecca with a modern and surprising twist. If you love authentic haunted house and creepy ghost stories, this one's definitely for you!

Release date: December 6, 2018

Publisher: Black Calyx Books

Print pages: 84

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