Zara Zenia Founding author

About the author

Zara has lived all over the United States, ranging from Los Angeles to Chicago to New York City. She has loved meeting new people and looking at the stars while trying to get away from the bright city lights.She has loved writing ever since she was in 3rd grade, and finally decided to publish her work for a larger audience! She writes about steamy alien romances as well as cyborgs and time travelers too!She likes watching movies on the weekends (who doesn't like Sci-Fi?) with her golden retriever, Leo, and her boyfriend on their couch and traveling to new places.Sign up to her newsletter to stay up to date on her newest releases and giveaways! Copy and paste this link:

Genres: FantasyGeneral FictionHorrorRomanceScience FictionThrillersFairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & MythologyFantasy action & adventureOccult & SupernaturalRomantic Fantasy

Books by Zara Zenia

Trilyn Alien Fairy Tales
Vampire Dragon Shifter Reverse Harem
The Vada Wars
Sleepy Hollow Academy
Royally Blue - Celestial Mates
Alien Auction House
Alien Abduction
Aliens of Dragselis
Warriors of Orba
Space Knights MC
Alien Warrior Space Pirates

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