Sarah A. Denzil Founding author

I write moody and dark psychological thrillers. United Kingdom
About the author

Sarah A. Denzil is a Wall Street Journal bestselling thriller writer from Derbyshire in the U.K. Her books include SILENT CHILD, which has topped the kindle charts in the UK and Australia, as well as being a top ten Amazon bestseller in the US. SAVING APRIL and THE BROKEN ONES are both top thirty bestsellers in the US and UK Amazon charts.

Sarah lives in Yorkshire with her partner, enjoying the scenic countryside and rather unpredictable weather. She loves to write moody, psychological books about ordinary people in extraordinary situations.

Genres: ThrillersNoirCrime FictionPsychological ThrillersSupernatural suspenseSuspense

Books by Sarah A. Denzil

Isabel Fielding
Silent Child

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