Goblincore Aesthetic

"One-core, out of all the cores, has the precise delight of making us feel like a morning toad who has just rolled out of its hovel, and flown to the moon on the wings of a dragonfly." M.F. Knapp
The Cruel Prince Holly Black
Judgment Day Terry Pratchett
Enchantment Orson Scott Card

Fan Art, Fan Favs...

Art is hugely popular in the book community. Check out these fan fav titles and the art they create. https://www.pinterest.com/bingebooks/book-fandom-art/
Watership Down Richard Adams
The Folklore of Discworld Terry Pratchett

We've rediscovered the joys of reading, says Martin Ivens for Bloomberg

As featured in the June 2021 article
"Sick of Netflix? May I Suggest a Good Book Instead"
at www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-06-05/what-should-i-read-covid-has-put-books-back-in-business
The Hobbit J.R.R. Tolkien
A Game of Thrones: The Illustrated Edition George R.R. Martin
Death on the Nile Agatha Christie

Road trip reads

By BingeBooks & Amy Brugmann, BingeBook's Content Management Specialist
It's road trip season. Here's a list celebrating trips and journeys great and small, harrowing and beautiful, and everything in between.
Lake Success Gary Shteyngart
Flaming Iguanas Erika Lopez