Goblincore Aesthetic
"One-core, out of all the cores, has the precise delight of making us feel like a morning toad who has just rolled out of its hovel, and flown to the moon on the wings of a dragonfly." M.F. Knapp
Fan Art, Fan Favs...
Art is hugely popular in the book community. Check out these fan fav titles and the art they create. https://www.pinterest.com/bingebooks/book-fandom-art/
We've rediscovered the joys of reading, says Martin Ivens for Bloomberg
As featured in the June 2021 article
"Sick of Netflix? May I Suggest a Good Book Instead"
at www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-06-05/what-should-i-read-covid-has-put-books-back-in-business
"Sick of Netflix? May I Suggest a Good Book Instead"
at www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-06-05/what-should-i-read-covid-has-put-books-back-in-business
Road trip reads
It's road trip season. Here's a list celebrating trips and journeys great and small, harrowing and beautiful, and everything in between.