The Ozarks Cozy Mystery Series: Books 1-3

The Ozarks Cozy Mystery Series: Books 1-3

Dianne Harman Founding author
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Shattered by her husband’s tragic death, Della Fox finds that she has a knack for solving mysteries, and particularly murders. Which is kind of ironic considering that one of her deceased husband's best friends is an FBI agent and she didn't even know her husband was involved with the FBI!

The downside is that whoever murdered her husband is now trying to murder her. Good thing the FBI agent vowed to protect her and so has the hunky sheriff, to say nothing of her big St. Bernard, Moose!

Enjoy the first three books in this bestselling series:

Murder in the Attic
Murdered Underground
Murder at Home

Release date: May 17, 2024

Print pages: 524

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