Surprising Gemma

Surprising Gemma

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Previously published as Surprised by the Billionaire by Remi Carrington
All the money in the world can't move Texas and Toronto closer together . . .

Gemma spends her days shopping for the rich and not-so famous. And she's good at making people's dreams a reality. But a chance encounter with a charming stranger transforms her life into a fairy tale . . . but with one small problem.

Antoine is only in Texas for a short visit. After wrapping up a business deal, he is supposed to fly back to Canada. But the beautiful brunette has him rearranging his schedule and changing travel plans.
Flying his private jet back and forth between countries is only a short-term solution.
He has a business in Canada to run. Is love enough of a reason for her to leave Texas?

Release date: May 24, 2019

Publisher: Phrey Press

Print pages: 211

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