Charming Zoe

Charming Zoe

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Previously published as Charmed by the Billionaire by Remi Carrington
Love shouldn't require a contract . . .

Zoe writes romance for a living, but her own love life is in shambles. The rest of her life isn't any better. Her out-of-town getaway takes an unexpected turn when a trip to the grocery store leads to a marriage proposal from a stranger.
He's a bit quirky but not at all bad looking. And she's tempted to give up all notions of love and romance and accept his deal.

Austin spends his days absorbed in code and solving problems. When he learns of Zoe's situation, he sees a solution. Propose.
His mom has been after him to date, and Zoe needs a place to live. Being married friends solves both problems. His offer is backed up by a written contract, ensuring they both get what they want.
A successful deal requires adhering to the contract. But the unwritten terms have him questioning what she wants. So Austin shifts to a new plan.
Can he charm his way into Zoe's heart and forget the contract altogether?

Release date: February 22, 2019

Publisher: Phrey Press

Print pages: 215

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