Enchanted by Joji: A Sweet Romantic Comedy

Enchanted by Joji: A Sweet Romantic Comedy

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My next big adventure is running a goat farm. I just need a few lessons from the cowboy who's been volunteered to help.

Nearly the big 5-0, I decide it's time to put down roots, but life without adventure is no fun. So, I buy a goat farm.
I anticipate smelly livestock and a steep learning curve because I've never owned even a parakeet, let alone a four-legged creature.
What surprises me is the redhead-hating, built-like-a-linebacker cowboy who's supposed to teach me all about goats. He doesn't seem to like those either.

I enjoy the routine of working as a ranch foreman. I have no desire to invite chaos into my quiet life by adding a woman to the mix. So when my boss gives me the job of teaching the redheaded Joji about goat farming, I'm less than pleased.
She's my opposite in every way. She's short. I'm tall. I'm quiet. She talks up a storm.
Enchanted with her, I find reasons to return even after she's learned all she needs to know. If I can't figure out how to move past hurts that have haunted me for years, I'll break her heart.
I'm pretty sure that would be worse than getting trampled by a bull.

Release date: March 11, 2021

Publisher: Phrey Press

Print pages: 238

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