Tara Eldana

Sexy - fun - happily ever after Metro Detroit
About the author

I am a very recently retired, multi-award-winning staff writer for a weekly community newspaper chain in metro Detroit. I became hooked on romance fiction when my 11th grade English teacher rejected the book report I wrote, saying the book was much too easy for me, and insisted I read and report on Daphne du Maurier's "Rebecca." I read Margaret Mitchell's "Gone With the Wind" that previous summer. After some life-changing health issues, and covering over a dozen murder and criminal sexual conduct trials, I decided to write the kind of stories I like to read, stories with happy endings. I love the romance genre and love letting my characters take control of their stories. I am a member of the Greater Detroit Romance Writers of America. I write under the pen name of Tara Eldana

Genres: Romantic Fantasy20th Century RomanceAction & Adventure RomanceContemporary RomanceErotic & Steamy RomanceParanormal Romance

Books by Tara Eldana


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