The Regret Collection: Includes REGRET and BLOOD TRIP

The Regret Collection: Includes REGRET and BLOOD TRIP

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Contains both the novel REGRET and novella BLOOD TRIP, by Dan Dawkins (Michael Robertson Jr).


Dan blamed himself for his wife's death ... But only at first.

After a mistake that leads to his life crumbling around him, successful author Dan Dawkins no longer wants to live. But after a failed suicide attempt, a better, more sinister solution comes to mind.

Adopting the identity of his highly-popular fictional character--who happens to be a womanizing serial killer--Dan is now ready to continue life ... If only long enough to seek revenge.

Told as a harrowing first-hand account, in REGRET Michael Robertson Jr takes readers inside the mind of an ordinary man whose tragedy painfully reminds us just how fragile the human psyche can be. And how everybody is capable of anything if pushed to the limits ... including murder.

If you're looking for psychological suspense shown through the eyes of an unlikely killer, start reading REGRET today!


Readers of Michael Robertsons Jr's novel REGRET (writing as Dan Dawkins) know about Jackson Hugh all to well, and the evil he's capable of. In this ORIGNIAL Jackson Hugh novella, readers are introduced to Jackson for the first time, and the secrets that he keeps beneath his suave exterior.

Jackson, a handsome, wealthy, womanizing murderer, knows he can no longer kill in his own city. He's gotten too lucky as it is. Which is why he looks forward to his business trips. But when Mother Nature surprises Jackson with a freak blizzard, stranding him in the town of his newest victim, suddenly all the rules go out the window, and Jackson is left with nothing to do but wonder if maybe he'd finally gotten too cocky. And if this will be his last blood trip.

*Both these titles can be purchased individually from the Kindle store, but you can buy them both together in this bundle and save!

Release date: February 16, 2017

Print pages: 409

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