Dark Beginnings

Dark Beginnings

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The prequel novella to the bestselling Lance Brody Series from Michael Robertson Jr, author of the Amazon #1 Bestselling Horror novel, Rough Draft.

Lance Brody was conceived in a graveyard, and the dead have never left his side.

With visits from lingering spirits, telepathic whispers, and an uncanny ability to solve the unexplainable, Lance has spent the first twenty-two years of his life in his small hometown, wishing only to be normal. His mother is his most trusted confidant, and together they've survived as Lance comes to grips with his gifts, his burdens, and the unsettling knowledge of the darkness that lives among us.

But now, there's a new evil in town. A darkly powerful duo who've arrived and know exactly what Lance is. And they want him for their own. As Lance's world is quickly turned upside down and tragedy unfolds, he suddenly learns his purpose may be much larger, and much more dangerous, than he could have ever imagined.

Dark Beginnings is the prequel novella to Michael Robertson Jr's new supernatural suspense series featuring LANCE BRODY. With a troubled young hero, mysterious foes, and plenty of paranormal action, fans of Odd Thomas, Supernatural, and the dark unknown are sure to love Lance.

Pick up Dark Beginnings and get hooked into this exciting series today!

Release date: November 10, 2016

Publisher: MRob Media LLC

Print pages: 108

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