Ransomed Bride

Ransomed Bride

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"I won't lose you now!" said Cam in a voice ragged with emotion. The moon moved across the sky from behind the sheltering trees, and suddenly the two of them were enveloped in moonlight. "I love you, and yet I know I have no right to speak to you of this. I'm not free. I’m engaged--" "Oh, Cam, don’t!" she begged. "It cannot be. It is too late. There is no way--" A tremor coursed through her -- a premonition of danger. This was madness, she knew. The two were as much star-crossed lovers as Romeo and Juliet, theirs as forbidden a love by all the same barriers of family, church, and honor. "There has to be a way. There must be. We'll find a way!" Cam declared as he drew her into his arms. "Cam, let me go. We must forget this ever happened." "How can we?" he asked in anguish. Ransomed Bride is a historical romance that brings to life a young couple's choice between duty and love.

Release date: November 10, 1989

Publisher: Zondervan

Print pages: 176

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