Undaunted Spirit

Undaunted Spirit

Book 0: Westward Dreams
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Free-spirited journalist Independence McClaren follows her heart to a Colorado silver-town -- and a test of her fierce commitment to the truth. Mindy's birth name is Independence McClaren -- a fitting match for her tenacity and determination. Leaving behind a secure but colorless future in the east, the fiery young woman heads west to Coarse Gold, Colorado, and the opportunity to carve her mark in a man's world. As reporter for the Roaring River Gazette, Mindy not only will ferret out the news but will become the voice of conscience in this rough-and-tumble mining town, its reminder of the biblical principles of truth, virtue, and mercy. Little does she dream how her most prized possession as a journalist -- her passion for the truth -- will be put to the test. To follow her heart or to retain her integrity? Mindy will have to choose.

Release date: August 1, 1999

Publisher: Zondervan

Print pages: 240

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