Lucifer's Shadow

Lucifer's Shadow

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In an ancient burial ground on an island off Venice, a young woman's casket is pried open, an object is wrenched from her hands, and an extraordinary adventure begins. From the moment he arrives in Venice, Daniel Forster is seduced by the city's mystery. An earnest young academic, Daniel has come for a summer job cataloguing a private collector's library.

But when Daniel's employer sends him to buy a stolen violin from a petty thief, a chain reaction of violence and deception ignites. Suddenly Daniel is drawn into a police investigation - and a tempest swirling around a beautiful woman, a mysterious palazzo, and a lost musical masterpiece dating back centuries.

With each step he takes, Daniel unwittingly retraces a journey that began in 1733, when another young man came to Venice. And when, in this realm of intrigue and beauty, two lovers came face-to-face with a killer: and a mystery was born.

A W. F. Howes audio production.

Release date: December 18, 2007

Publisher: Delta

Print pages: 384

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