Imperfect Love Story

Imperfect Love Story

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What if you were given a second chance at first love? Would you take it?

5... The number of years since I've been home.

4... The number of people who know my secret.

3... The number of times I attempted to move on.

2... The number of months I spent crying after I left.

1... The number of men I'll love in my lifetime.

They say everyone has one true love, one person who was made just for them. A person they were meant to spend the rest of their life with.

For me, that person was Wyatt.

Our love was perfect. When we were together, nothing else mattered. Not college. Not our parents. Because our relationship wasn't about anyone else.

We had big plans for our future together.

The thing about life... it doesn't always go as planned.

Release date: June 21, 2018

Publisher: Rachael Brownell Books

Print pages: 220

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