Devastating Rumors: A Dixon Family Novel

Devastating Rumors: A Dixon Family Novel

Book 5: Rumors
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After listening to Angela and Tyler vow to love each other unconditionally, I've decided it's time to focus all my love on the one person who's stood by my side through everything.
We were happy once and we can be happy again.

After we got married, before the emotional strain of not being able to get pregnant weighed us down, Hunter and I were living a dream.

So that's what we're going to do. Get remarried. Get back to the people we once were.

Easy, right?

It would be if his staff kept their opinions to themselves and their mouths shut. I've always dismissed the office gossip... it's different now that I'm at the center of it.

Release date: August 16, 2018

Publisher: Rachael Brownell Books

Print pages: 262

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