Devious Rumors: A Dixon Family Novel

Devious Rumors: A Dixon Family Novel

Book 2: Rumors
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People make it sound like it's a bad thing. When you've been in a relationship that almost destroyed you, being single is a gift. You've been given your freedom back. You learn to love yourself again.

The moment that happens, when you finally allow yourself to feel worthy of love, someone amazing walks in your life and makes you want to throw caution to the wind. And for this man... that's exactly what I would do.

Of course, it couldn't be easy. My past has to walk back into my life, my job, and make me question everything, especially my worth.

Rumors begin to fly around the office causing tension in my new relationship. The people who really know me know the truth, but the gossip is more interesting.

Release date: April 26, 2018

Publisher: Rachael Brownell Books

Print pages: 260

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