His Duchess

His Duchess

What happens after the Happily Ever After. Antonia and Roxton's early married life.
Genres: Regency Romance
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The Duke and Duchess, with their infant son, are living in a pretty villa on the outskirts of the royal township of Versailles, preparing for Antonia's court presentation. With them is Lord Vallentine-kicked out of home by his pregnant wife-and Martin Ellicott, who receives news from the Duke that changes his life forever. And while a year has passed since Roxton rescued Antonia from the clutches of his evil cousin the Comte de Salvan, Salvan continues his insidious interference in their lives from his place of exile, and with the collusion of the Salvan ancient aunts. But Roxton is determined that nothing and no one will ruin the happiness of His Duchess, or their life together.

Release date: January 6, 2023

Publisher: Sprigleaf Pty Ltd

Print pages: 207

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His Duchess
Lucinda Brant
Mary Jane Wells
Sprigleaf Pty Ltd




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