From the Night Shift to Forever

From the Night Shift to Forever

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A relationship was the last thing on her mind. So why is the new doctor all she can think about? Find out in Annie Claydon’s latest Harlequin Medical Romance!
Night-shift encounter—tempted by the brooding doc?

Children’s doctor Robbie Hall has learned it’s best to keep people at a distance. It’s why working the night shift and running a charity that delivers after-hours medical supplies suits her so perfectly. So Robbie is not prepared to catch the eye of brooding new ER doc Joel Mason. Because experiencing the powerful connection she’s always dreamed of will make resisting it all the more difficult…

From Harlequin Medical: Life and love in the world of modern medicine.

Release date: February 22, 2022

Publisher: Harlequin

Print pages: 192

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