Flash Point

Flash Point

Book 1: High Sierras
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For Emmaline Kincaid, Police Chief Bradley Gallagher makes hating cops...problematic.

Reconsidering Her Options

Stalwart, honest, a stand-up guy – high praise, right? Wears his jeans just right, single, a catch – pretty much everyone in Hangman's Loss, a quirky little town in the Eastern Sierras, adores the hell out of Police Chief Bradley Gallagher. Yet, new resident Emma Kincaid is determined to keep him at arm's length, and with good reason. But vandalism, arson, and a violent attack have her rethinking her stance. Has someone from her past caught up with her, or is the escalating threat coming from within her newfound community? Sparks fly as Brad races against time to keep her safe, and passions combust when they join forces to combat the danger.

Release date: February 8, 2018

Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Group

Print pages: 196

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