Already Gone

Already Gone

Book 3: High Sierras
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Madison Gallagher's life is in Hangman's Loss. Her family is here. Her friends are here. She owns and runs a successful bakery café. What she doesn't have is a love life. And she doesn't want one. The man who stole her heart when they were both young and wildly in love was careless and callous—he left her and never looked back. Now he's returned, and with his typical reckless abandon, he inserts himself back into her world. But, no. He's not welcome anymore. She's suffered enough and has finally gotten to a place where her life makes sense. She refuses his advances. Until she can't.

When Logan Ross left Hangman's Loss he had needed to find himself and become a man he could be proud of—a man nothing like his father. And while Logan had succeeded, he had never been whole, not when he'd lived ten long years without his Maddy. Back and undercover on a dangerous operation, one look at his girl and he knows this is where he's meant to be. And nothing in his whole life has been harder than winning back the woman he'd broken. But Logan is determined to do anything it takes to mend her precious heart, and he means to prove it to her every day for the rest of her life.

Release date: August 22, 2018

Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Group

Print pages: 200

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