The Family Rescue

The Family Rescue

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He Was Her White Knight

After rescuing Kathryn Holiday and her seven-year-old daughter from a fire that burned down their home, rookie firefighter Ethan Basque can't forget them. He offers them a place to stay, hoping to spend more time with the beautiful single mom. Kat, however, thinks the sparks between them are just because Ethan's her White Knight—what happens when the thrill wears off?

He Just Wanted To Be Part Of The Family

To top it off, Kat's daughter has been afraid of Ethan ever since the fire. Every time he comes near Samantha, he reminds her of that fateful day. Can Ethan convince Kat and Sam he's not just a hero, but someone who wants to be there always for them?

Release date: October 15, 2014

Publisher: Harlequin

Print pages: 224

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