Downtown Debutante

Downtown Debutante

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Diamond In The Rough

Brenna Thompson's dreams of making it big in the world of jewelry design come to a screeching halt when her ex-fiance takes off with the precious gemstones she's been working on. Enter FBI agent Heath Packer, who claims he's there to help—but whose ulterior motives he can't possibly share with impulsive Brenna. Watching Brenna's every move is Heath's job, but believing the attractive artist could be involved in this crime is becoming increasingly difficult. And the more time he spends with her, the more he feels himself falling in love.

But what will happen when she finds out the truth about the investigation? Does she share his growing feelings? Or will she feel twice betrayed?

Release date: October 15, 2014

Publisher: Harlequin

Print pages: 224

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