Falling for Gods

Falling for Gods

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Who would have thought I'd need to die to really come into my own? But with my growing valkyrie powers and the scorching-hot Norse gods who resurrected me by my side, I've never felt more alive.

If only I could take a moment to enjoy my new home in Asgard. Unfortunately, our recent triumph has enraged a power-hungry giant who wants to see me dead all over again, along with everyone and everything I care about. And then there's our newly returned leader... Odin has turned out to be as single-minded as he is single-eyed, and I can't shake the feeling that there's more to this situation than he's letting on.

My four gods and I will have to depend on each other if we're going to find our way through this mess, even if opening my heart that much to anyone terrifies me. I've come this far. No way am I backing down now.

I'm Aria Watson, and I'll be no one's pawn.

Release date: September 12, 2018

Publisher: Ink Spark Press

Print pages: 252

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