Bound to Gods

Bound to Gods

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One minute I was a courier for criminals, making ends meet so I could take care of my little brother; the next, four stunningly hot Norse gods had brought me back from the dead with wings sprouting from my back and a whole set of valkyrie powers. I guess that's just how life goes sometimes.

Too bad our victory over our supernatural enemies turned out to be a farce. The divine home I thought I'd receive is a trap instead — a trap that's slowly closing in on us, dredging up every painful moment from our pasts.

Can I trust these tempting godly men now that I've seen how many secrets they've kept from me? And what am I going to do if I have to face my own darkest horrors all over again? I'd better figure that out fast. Because I'm Aria Watson, and I will not be broken.

Contains mature themes.

Release date: July 18, 2018

Print pages: 258

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